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   Alberto  Guitarra   Marta  teclados   Andres   Bajo/Voz.  Edu Guitarra       Alfonso   Batería.    




Alyanza nace en Badalona, en 2003, como quinteto que decide practicar Power Metal, estilo que goza de gran polularidad en esa época. 

Fruto de esta primera etapa de la banda, se publica “Cárcel 1939”, maqueta autoeditada que les permite acompañar a grandes bandas de nivel nacional como Tierra Santa, Jorge Salan o Centinela en sus directos .


Poco a poco, el sonido se endurece, hasta que, en 2008, Manu (guitarra) y Andrés (bajista y, a partir de ese momento, vocalista) pasan a una formación de tres y reclutan a Alfons (batería). Será este trío el que, en 2010, lance su primer disco “Mind Control”, con un sonido más próximo al Thrash Metal, estilo en el que se afianzan con la publicación de su segundo trabajo llamado “A New Beginning”, cruce de sorprendentes melodías contundentes y  elaboradas. 


Conciertos,Rock Fest Barcelona en dos ocasiones o Ripollet Rock,carteles que aúnan a Alyanza con Sodom, Onslaught o Ministry son la prueba de su consolidación  como banda demandada.


Alyanza vuelve a la carga en 2017 con la publicación de su tercer disco “Gods” y la incorporación a las guitarras de Alberto (en el lugar de Manu) y Edu.En 2018 entra a formar parte de la banda Marta a los teclados y coros que dan aun mas solidez al 
sonido de la banda, y en Noviembre de 2019 entran a grabar lo que sera su 4º disco.

En Enero entran a formar parte del sello discogrfico TFF The Fish Factory,con el cual sacaran el 4º album para verano, llamado Life,human...

Y es ahora cuando podemos disfrutar de su directo más intenso: con la defensa del disco que nos devuelve a una banda que crece, que emerge.

Alyanza was born as a quintet in 2003 in Badalona. At first, they were focused on Power metal, style that was very popular at that time.

As a result of that first phase of the band, they published "Cárcel 1939", a self released demo that allowed them to share stage with great spanish bands like "Tierra Santa", "Jorge Salán" or "Centinela".


Bit by bit, they hardened their sound until, in 2008, Manu (guitar) and Andrés (bass and, from then on, vocals) decided to recruit Alfons (drums) to become a trio.

 It will be this band that in 2010, releases their first album "Mind Control", wich sounds closer to Thrash Metal, style in which they get consolidated with their second work "A New Beginning", that offers a crossroads of surprising forceful and elaborate melodies.

A lot of gigs, among which stand out the twice participation at the "Rock Fest Barcelona" or "Ripollet Rock", and bills in wich Alyanza shares the stage with Sodom, Onslaught or Ministry, are the proof of their consolidation as a demanded band.


In 2017, Alyanza released their third album “Gods” with the incorporation  of Alberto (instead of Manu) and Edu, on guitars.

In 2018, Marta joined the band, giving more solidity to the band sound, due the keyboards and choirs.


In November 2019 they record what will be their fourth studio album.

In January 2020, they become part of the TFF (The Fish Factory) record label, with which, in the summer of this year, they will publish the aforementioned album called "Life, human ..."

And it's now when we can enjoy its most intense live show, with the defense of an album that brings us back an emerging and growing band




© 2018  Alyanza. created by  Underlara

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